Succession planning in the library :

Singer, Paula M.

Succession planning in the library : developing leaders, managing change / Paula M. Singer with Gail Griffith. - Chicago : American Library Association, 2010. - ix, 147 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 141-142) and index.

Succession planning and development: ensuring the library's future -- A framework for building bench strength -- How do we know what we need? Key positions, the right work, and library competencies -- Succession planning and development process -- Strategies for developing staff: talent pools and beyond -- Succession planning for the library director -- Stories of library succession planning and development programs.

Drawing on her expertise as a leading consultant on human resource issues in the library, Singer addresses the often fraught issue of planning for change - not just at the top but at all levels of an organization. Readers will discover techniques for spotting potential leaders and encouraging the professional growth of current staff members.

9780838910368 083891036X


GBB082349 bnb

015595992 Uk 015525581 Uk

Library administration.
Manpower planning.
Library planning.
Library employees.
Organizational change.
Library administration--United States.
Manpower planning--United States.
Library planning--United States.
Library employees--United States.
Library administration.
Library employees.
Library planning.
Manpower planning.
Organizational change.

United States.


Z678 / .S57 2010


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