The pan-Africanists /
Watson, Barrington.
The pan-Africanists / paintings by Barrington Watson ; text by Dudley Johnson. - Kingston : London : Ian Randle ; Global, 2000. - 88 pages : color portraits ; 26 cm
Includes bibliographical references.
Frederick Douglas -- Harriet Tubman -- W.E.B. Dubois -- Marcus Garvey -- George Padmore -- C.L.R. James -- Kwame Nkrumah -- Julius Nyerere -- Jomo Kenyatta -- Haile Selassie -- Paul Robeson -- Rosa Parks -- Martin Luther King, Jr. -- Muhammad Ali -- Patrice Lumumba -- Malcolm X -- Nelson mandela.
9768123923 9789768123923 9768123907 9789768123909
GB99U6919 bnb
010361384 Uk
Social reformers--Africa.
African American civic leaders.
African American civic leaders.
Social reformers.
DT18 / .W37 2000
The pan-Africanists / paintings by Barrington Watson ; text by Dudley Johnson. - Kingston : London : Ian Randle ; Global, 2000. - 88 pages : color portraits ; 26 cm
Includes bibliographical references.
Frederick Douglas -- Harriet Tubman -- W.E.B. Dubois -- Marcus Garvey -- George Padmore -- C.L.R. James -- Kwame Nkrumah -- Julius Nyerere -- Jomo Kenyatta -- Haile Selassie -- Paul Robeson -- Rosa Parks -- Martin Luther King, Jr. -- Muhammad Ali -- Patrice Lumumba -- Malcolm X -- Nelson mandela.
9768123923 9789768123923 9768123907 9789768123909
GB99U6919 bnb
010361384 Uk
Social reformers--Africa.
African American civic leaders.
African American civic leaders.
Social reformers.
DT18 / .W37 2000