Putting development first :

Putting development first : the importance of policy space in the WTO and IFIs / edited by Kevin P. Gallagher ; [Alice Amsden and others]. - London ; New York : New York : Zed Books ; Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. - x, 301 pages ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Globalization and the nation-state: reasserting policy autonomy for development / Kevin P. Gallagher -- Development policies in a world of globalization / Joseph E. Stiglitz -- Rethinking industrial strategy: the role of the state in the face of globalization / Sanjaya Lall -- Toward the optiumum degree of openness / Amit Bhaduri -- What strategies are viable for developing countries today? The world trade organization and the shrinking of "development space" / Robert Hunter Wade -- Kicking away the ladder: "good policies" and "good institutions" in historical perspective / Ha-Joon Chang -- The TRIPS agreement and transfer of technology / Carlos M. Correa -- Will investment rules shrink policy space for sustainable development? Evidence from the electricity sector / Albert H. Cho, Navroz K. Dubash -- Performance requirements as tools of development policy: lessons from developed and developing countries / Nagesh Kumar -- Neoliberalism as a political opportunity: constraint and innovation in contempoirary development strategy / Peter Evans -- Promoting industry under WTO law / Alice H. Amsden -- Special and differential treatment: the multilateral trading system and economic development in the Twenty-first century / Ajit Singh.

1842776347 9781842776346 1842776355 9781842776353


GBA521338 bnb

013130523 Uk

Internationaler W ahrungsfonds
World Trade Organization

Economic development.
Development economics.
83.46 development economics.
Development economics.
Economic development.
Economic policy.
Economische ontwikkeling.

Developing countries--Economic policy.
Developing countries.
Entwicklungsl ander


HC59.7 / .P88 2005


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