Information and communication technologies for development in Africa.

Information and communication technologies for development in Africa. - Ottawa ; Dakar : Dakar : International Development Research Centre ; Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, 2003- - volumes <1-3> : illustrations ; 22 cm

Includes bibliographical references.

v. 1. Opportunities and challenges for community development / edited by Ramata Molo Thioune -- v. 2. The experience with community telecentres / edited by Florence Ebam Etta and Sheila Parvyn-Wamahiu.

Volume 1 looks at the introduction, adoption, and utilization of ICTs at the community level. In various contexts - geographical, technological, socioeconomic, cultural, and institutional - the book explores the questions of community participation. It looks at how communities in sub-Saharan Africa have reacted to the changes brought about by the introduction of these new ICTs and, in detail, presents both the opportunities and the challenges that ICTs present for community development. The book will be useful for both researchers and development practitioners active, or just embarking upon, an "ICT for development" program. It will also be a very useful reference tool not only for academics but also for policymakers, decision-makers, and development professionals interested in the issue. Volume 2 examines the setting, operations and effects of community telecenters. It describes the telecenter experiences of a variety of local and often rural communities, exploring the management structures and mechanisms that have been established to support these telecenters. The book provides profiles of telecenter usage and discusses the potential and challenges of setting up and maintaining community telecenters in the context of poor information infrastructure and limited human capacity. It will be useful for researchers, policy- and decision-makers, and development practitioners and professionals with interests or active programs in the area of 'ICT for development, ' particularly those with a focus on universal access and universal-service or public access centers. It will also be a very useful reference tool for scholars, students and academics. Volume 3 documents the processes used, and institutions created, to bring computers and connectivity into schools, as a means of enhancing the use and integration of ICTs in teaching and learning. A range of project, administrative, and cultural settings are explored as are a wide variety of technical solutions. The results, observations, and conclusions presented in this book will be useful for policy- and decision-makers in education and ICTs. The book will also be useful for teachers, researchers, and development practitioners and professionals with interests or active programs in the area of "ICT for development." Information technology professionals looking to service the potential education market will also find this book valuable.

1552500012 9781552500019 1552500063 9781552500064 2869781148 9782869781146 9782869781153 2869781156 155250008X 9781552500088 2869781172 9782869781177


20039801101 can


Information technology--Africa.
Telecommunication--Technological innovations--Africa.
Information technology--Africa--Case studies.
Telecommuting centers--Africa.
Community development--Africa.
Communication in community development--Africa.
Technologie de l'information--Afrique.
Communication en d eveloppement communautaire--Afrique.
D eveloppement communautaire--Afrique.
Telecommunication--Technological innovations.
Communication in community development.
Community development.
Information technology.
Telecommuting centers.


Case studies.

HC800.Z9 / I55813 2003


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