Computers and the environment :

Computers and the environment : understanding and managing their impacts / edited by R uediger Kuehr and Eric Williams. - Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - viii, 285 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. - Eco-efficiency in industry and science ; v. 14 . - Eco-efficiency in industry and science ; v. 14. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Preface / Computers and the Environment--An Introduction To Understanding and Managing their Impacts / Information Technology Products and the Environment / Environmental Impacts in the Production of Personal Computers / How the European Union's WEEE Directive Will Change the Market for Electronic Equipment--Two Scenarios / IBM's Environmental Management of Product Aspects / Environmental Management at Fujitsu Siemens Computers / Energy Consumption and Personal Computers / PCs and Consumers--A Look at Green Demand, Use, and Disposal / Strategizing the End-of-life Handling of Personal Computers: Resell, Upgrade, Recycle / Today's Markets for Used PCs--And Ways to Enhance Them / Recycling Personal Computers / Operations of a Computer Equipment Resource Recovery Facility / Managing PCs through Policy: Review and Ways to Extend Lifespan / Eric Williams, Ruediger Kuehr -- Ruediger Kuehr, German T. Velasquez, Eric Williams -- H. Scott Matthews, Deanna H. Matthews -- Eric Williams -- Klaus Hieronymi, Axel Schneider -- Reinhard Hohn, Anne Brinkley -- Harald Podratzky -- Danielle Cole -- Mohamed Saied, German T. Velasquez -- Eric Williams, Yukihiro Sasaki -- Eric Williams, Ruediger Kuehr -- Stefan Klatt -- Joseph Sarkis -- Ruediger Kuehr.

"This volume addresses the environmental impacts and management of computers through a set of analyses on issues ranging from environmental assessment, technologies for recycling, consumer behaviour, strategies of computer manufacturing firms, and government policies. One conclusion is that extending the lifespan of computers (e.g. through reselling) is an environmentally and economically effective strategy that deserves more attention from governments, firms and the general public."--Jacket.

1402016794 9781402016790 1402016808 9781402016806

Levant - sup 31.46


GBA382767 bnb

B0405854 bccb 006656585 Uk

Microcomputers--Design and construction.
Industrial ecology.
Green products.
Microcomputers--Environmental aspects.
Green products.
Industrial ecology.
Microcomputers--Design and construction.
Microcomputers--Environmental aspects.

TK7886 / .C65 2003


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