Sex, contraception, and motherhood in Jamaica /

Brody, Eugene B.

Sex, contraception, and motherhood in Jamaica / Eugene B. Brody. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1981. - 278 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. - Commonwealth Fund book .

"A Commonwealth Fund book."

Includes bibliographical references (pages 263-272) and index.

1. The Problem -- 2. An Approach to the Problem: Epistemological Aspects of Interviewing and Clinical Practice in the Field -- 3. The Folk Context of Sex and Reproduction -- 4. The Place: Kingston, Metropolis of a Rural Island -- 5. Women without Power: The Social and Economic Context of Sex and Reproduction -- 6. Relationship with Mother, Menarche, and First Intercourse -- 7. The First Sexual Partnership, the First Pregnancy, and the First Child -- 8. Sexual Partnerships, Marriage, and Reproductive Behavior -- 9. The Person in the Context -- 10. Public Policy and Private Behavior.

0674802772 9780674802773


(AMICUS)000002410046 8202222 DNLM

Sex customs--Jamaica.
Birth control--Jamaica.
Teenage mothers--Jamaica.
Unmarried mothers--Jamaica.
Child abuse--Jamaica.
Family Planning Services.
Vie sexuelle--Jama ique.
R egulation des naissances--Jama ique.
M eres adolescentes--Jama ique.
M eres c elibataires--Jama ique.
Enfants maltrait es--Jama ique.
Birth control.
Child abuse.
Sex customs.
Teenage mothers.
Unmarried mothers.
Sex customs--Jamaica.
Birth control--Jamaica.
Teenage mothers--Jamaica.
Unmarried mothers--Jamaica.


HQ18.J25 / B76



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