Remarks on a passage from the river Balise, in the bay of Honduras, to Merida: the capital of the province of Jucatan in the Spanish West Indies,
Cook, James, Lieutenant.
Remarks on a passage from the river Balise, in the bay of Honduras, to Merida: the capital of the province of Jucatan in the Spanish West Indies, by Lieutenant Cook, London, 1769. A facsimile of the original, with perspective by Muriel Haas. - New Orleans, Midameres Press, 1935. - 2 preliminary leaves (fascim.: 1 leaf, 34 pages including map) 17, [1] pages 20 cm
Title-page of original: Remarks on a passage from the river Balise, in the bay of Honduras, to Merida; the capital of the province of Jucatan, in the Spanish West Indies. By lieutenant Cook, ordered by Sir William Burnaby, rear admiral of the Red, in Jamaica; with dispatches to the governor of the province; relative to the logwood cutters in the bay of Honduras, in February and March 1765. London: Printed for C. Parker, the upper part of New Bond street. M DCC LXIX. Fifty copies especially printed but not for sale.
Includes bibliographical references (page 17).
Belize--Description and travel.
Yucat an (Mexico : State)--Description and travel.
Mexico--Yucat an (State)
Belice--Descripci on y viajes.
Yucat an (M exico)--Descripci on y viajes.
F1444 / .C66
972.6, Coo
Remarks on a passage from the river Balise, in the bay of Honduras, to Merida: the capital of the province of Jucatan in the Spanish West Indies, by Lieutenant Cook, London, 1769. A facsimile of the original, with perspective by Muriel Haas. - New Orleans, Midameres Press, 1935. - 2 preliminary leaves (fascim.: 1 leaf, 34 pages including map) 17, [1] pages 20 cm
Title-page of original: Remarks on a passage from the river Balise, in the bay of Honduras, to Merida; the capital of the province of Jucatan, in the Spanish West Indies. By lieutenant Cook, ordered by Sir William Burnaby, rear admiral of the Red, in Jamaica; with dispatches to the governor of the province; relative to the logwood cutters in the bay of Honduras, in February and March 1765. London: Printed for C. Parker, the upper part of New Bond street. M DCC LXIX. Fifty copies especially printed but not for sale.
Includes bibliographical references (page 17).
Belize--Description and travel.
Yucat an (Mexico : State)--Description and travel.
Mexico--Yucat an (State)
Belice--Descripci on y viajes.
Yucat an (M exico)--Descripci on y viajes.
F1444 / .C66
972.6, Coo