The picaroons; or, One hundred and fifty years ago:
Hill, Richard, 1795-1872.
The picaroons; or, One hundred and fifty years ago: being a history of commerce and navigation in the West Indian seas. By the Honorable Richard Hill, Communicated to the Port Royal reading society. - Dublin, J. Falconer, 1869. - 80 pages 18 cm -
001685040 Uk
Slave trade--West Indies.
Slave trade.
West Indies--History.
West Indies.
F2161 / .H64
972.9/03 359
The picaroons; or, One hundred and fifty years ago: being a history of commerce and navigation in the West Indian seas. By the Honorable Richard Hill, Communicated to the Port Royal reading society. - Dublin, J. Falconer, 1869. - 80 pages 18 cm -
001685040 Uk
Slave trade--West Indies.
Slave trade.
West Indies--History.
West Indies.
F2161 / .H64
972.9/03 359