Papers in Caribbean anthropology.

Mintz, Sidney W. 1922-2015,

Papers in Caribbean anthropology. - New Haven, Yale University, Dept. of Anthropology, 1960. - 8 no. in 1 volume illustrations, plates, maps, tables 25 cm. - Yale University publications in anthropology, no. 57-64 . - Yale University publications in anthropology ; no. 57-64. .

Includes bibliographical references.

The origins of the Jamaican internal marketing system, by S.W. Mintz and D. Hall. -- The Convince cult in Jamaica, by D. Hogg. -- Jamaican fishing, by W. Davenport. -- The marketing system in peasant Haiti, by F.W. Underwood. -- The entry of man into the West Indies, by I. Rouse. -- The Spanish olive jar, by J.M. Goggin. -- Aboriginal canoes in the West Indies, by M.B. McKusick. -- The significance of ethnological similarities between southeastern North America and the Antilles, by W.C. Sturtevant.

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Indians of the West Indies.
Blacks--West Indies.
Indians of the West Indies.
Ethnologie--R egion cara ibe.

Caribbean Area.
Caribbean Area.
West Indies.

572 Min

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