Commercial geography of the eastern British Caribbean.

Starkey, Otis Paul, 1906-

Commercial geography of the eastern British Caribbean. - [Bloomington] : Dept. of Geography, University of Indiana , 1961. - v, 18 pages : maps ; 28 cm. - Indiana University. Dept. of Geography. Technical report [on British islands in the Lesser Antilles] no. 12 . - Indiana University. Department of Geography. Technical report on British islands in the Lesser Antilles ; no. 12. .

"Office of Naval Research contract nonr-908 (13)--NR388-051." Limited edition.

Includes bibliographical references (page 18).

Economic history.
Economic conditions--West Indies.

West Indies, British--Economic conditions.
West Indies, British--Commerce.
West Indies--British West Indies.

330.9729 Sta

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