A naturalist's sojourn in Jamaica. /

Gosse, Philip Henry, 1810-1888,

A naturalist's sojourn in Jamaica. / By Philip Henry Gosse, A.L.S., &c. Assisted by Richard Hill, Esq., cor. M.Z.S. Lond., mem. counc. Roy. Soc. Agric. of Jamaica. - xxiv, 508 pages, [1], VII leaves of plates: colour illustrations; 19 cm. - Selection of titles from the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Series 2. Section 7, South and the Caribbean ; reel 40. .

Printer from colophon and verso of half title. Collation: A-Yp12s Zp2s [$6 ( -N4, Z2) signed]; 266 leaves, pages [i-v] vi-xii [xiii] xiv-xxiv, [1] 2-508 + Plates: frontispiece and Plate I- Plate VII. The unnumbered frontispiece is listed in the table of plates as plate VIII. All plates are lithographs, tinted and/or hand-colored, from drawings by the author; with imprint "M. & N. Hanhart impt" (but note that Spottiswoodes and Shaw, the printers of the text, were also lithographers). Includes index.


001471497 Uk

Natural history--Jamaica.
Jamaica--Description and travel--19th century.
Natural history.


Colored plates.
Publishers' advertisements--England--London--1851.

QH109.J5 / G6 1851

574.9729 / G67

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