Deep the water, shallow the shore :

Abrahams, Roger D.,

Deep the water, shallow the shore : three essays on shantying in the West Indies / Roger D. Abrahams ; music transcribed by Linda Sobin. - xiv, 125 pages : music ; 22 cm. - Publications of the American Folklore Society. Memoir series ; v. 60 . - Publications of the American Folklore Society. Memoir series ; v. 60. .

Includes bibliographical references (pages 123-125).

1. Shantying in the West Indies. -- 2. "Row, bully, row boy": singing the fishing on Nevis and Tobago. -- 3. "Solid fas'" our captain cry out: blackfishing at Barouallie.

0292715021 9780292715028


GB7500739 bnb

000008795 Uk 008353382 Uk

Folk songs, English--History and criticism.--West Indies, British
Sea songs--History and criticism.--West Indies
Chansons folkloriques--Antilles britanniques.
24.61 vocal music.
Folk songs, English.
Sea songs.

West Indies.
West Indies--British West Indies.

Sea shanties in English: West Indian sea shanties Critical studies

Sea songs.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Sea songs.

ML3565 / .A27 GR1 / .A54 v.60 1974


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