Soviet seapower in the Caribbean :

Soviet seapower in the Caribbean : political and strategic implications / edited by James D. Theberge. - New York : [Washington, D.C.] : Praeger Publishers ; Published in cooperation with the Center for Strategic and International Studies of Georgetown University, 1972. - xv, 175 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm - Praeger special studies in international politics and public affairs . - Praeger special studies in international politics and public affairs. .

"Prepared as part of the research project on Russia in the Caribbean sponsored by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C."

Includes bibliographical references (pages 167-172).

Soviet policy in the Caribbean / Soviet diplomatic and military activism and naval penetration of the Caribbean / Strategic significance of Soviet naval power in Cuban waters / Soviet maritime strategy, capabilities, and intentions in the Caribbean / Political and strategic implications of Soviet naval presence in the Caribbean / Cuba's military dependence on the USSR / Soviet naval power, Soviet-Cuban relations, and politics in the Caribbean / Soviet trade and maritime activities in the Caribbean / Soviet and Cuban oceanography in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico / Soviet and Cuban fisheries in the Caribbean / by James D. Theberge -- by Michel Tatu -- by Donald W. Mitchell -- by Michael K. MccGwire -- by Curt Gasteyger -- by Leon Goure -- by Ernst Halperin -- by Irwin M. Heine -- by T.K. Treadwell -- by Milan Kravanja.

0275282872 9780275282875


003607353 Uk

Soviet Union. Voenno-Morsko i Flot.
Soviet Union. Voenno-Morsko i Flot.
Soviet Union. Voenno-Morsko i Flot.

Since 1945

Merchant marine--Soviet Union.
Sea-power--Soviet Union.
Merchant marine.
Politics and government
Merchant marine--Russia.
Soviet Union.
Naval armament.

Caribbean Area--Politics and government--1945-
Caribbean Area.
Soviet Union.
Soviet Union--Foreign relations--Caribbean Area.

VA573 / .S59


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