The losers : the definitive report, by an eyewitness, of the Communist conquest of Cuba and the Soviet penetration in Latin America /

Bethel, Paul D.,

The losers : the definitive report, by an eyewitness, of the Communist conquest of Cuba and the Soviet penetration in Latin America / Paul D. Bethel. - 615 pages ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Subversion unlimited ; In the beginning ; Embassy ; Batista out -- Castro in ; Great betrayal begins ; Destruction and reform ; End of freedom of the press ; Morgan, Matos and "our Pearl Harbor" ; Russians move in ; Remember Le Coubre ; Cuban operation -- Invitation to disaster ; Disaster ; Fighters ; Communist offensive ; Santo Domingo -- a case study ; Soviet Latin America? ; Winners or losers? bk. I: Retreat to Revolution: bk. II: Disaster:

0870000535 9780870000539


Since 1959

Communism--Latin America.

Cuba--History--Revolution, 1959.
Dominican Republic--History--1961-
Dominican Republic.
Latin America.


F1788 / .B46

972.91064 Bet

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