Exports and economic growth of developing countries : a theoretical and empirical study of the relationships between exports and economic growth, with illustrative projections for 1975 for the main overseas sterling countries /

Maizels, Alfred,

Exports and economic growth of developing countries : a theoretical and empirical study of the relationships between exports and economic growth, with illustrative projections for 1975 for the main overseas sterling countries / by Alfred Maizels assisted by L.F. Campbell-Boross and P.B.W. Rayment. - London : Cambridge U.P. , 1968. - xx, 443 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm - Economic and social studies, 25 . - Economic and social studies ; 25. .

Includes bibliographical references (pages 429-434).

0521069599 9780521069595


GB6900931 bnb

Sterling area.
Exports--Developing countries.
Exportations--Pays en voie de d eveloppement.
Zone sterling.
Sterling area.
Trade, International.
Sterling area.
Exports--Developing countries.

Developing countries--Commerce.
Pays en voie de d eveloppement--Commerce.
Developing countries.
Developing countries--Commerce.

Developing countries Commerce Exports Developing countries Sterling area

HF1413 / .M3

382.6091724 Mai

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