The politics of labour in the British Caribbean :

O. Nigel Bolland.

The politics of labour in the British Caribbean : the social origins of authoritarianism and democracy in the labour movement / PRINT O. Nigel Bolland. - Kingston : Oxford : Ian Randle Publishers ; James Currey, 2001. - xxii, 696 pages ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

0852558309 9780852558300 9768123958 9789768123954 976812394X 9789768123947 1558762779 9781558762770 1558762787 9781558762787


GBA131246 bnb


Labor movement--History--Caribbean, English-speaking--20th century.
Labor unions--History--Caribbean, English-speaking--20th century.
Working class--History--Caribbean, English-speaking--20th century.
Labor movement.
Labor unions.
Working class.

Caribbean, English-speaking--Politics and government--20th century.
English-speaking Caribbean Area.


322.20972909171241 / Ja Bol

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