Soca 101 Volume 4

Soca 101 Volume 4

1 Zouk-la-se el Medikaman nouni J. Desvarieux and G. Decimusm, writers; Kassav, Producer Kassav; Performer 2 Bus conductor S. Lockheart, writer; Radcliff Cambridge, Producer Poser; Performer 3 Workey workey C. Edwards, writer; Burning Flames, Producer Burning Flames; Performers 4 Golo golo H. Cyrus, writer; George Ngwai, Producer Second Imij; Performer 5 Give me soca B. Henry and B. Lee, writers; Byron Lee, Producer Byron Lee and The Dragonaires; Performers 6 Columbia rock A. Cassell, writer; Leston Paul, Producer Arrow; Performer 7 Dragon dance S. Francisco, writer; Byron Lee, Producer Byron Lee and The Dragonaires and The Mighty Sparrow; Performers 8 Theresa rocking J. Brass, writer; Funk Gum, Producer Imagination Brass; Performers 9 Krank it E. Yearwood, writer; Nicholas Brancker, Producer Krosfyah and Edwin Yearwood; Performers 10 Stamina R. Brown, writer; Derek Brin, Producer Ramesses Brown; Performer 11 Guns E. Straker and D. DeCastro, writers; Spice & Company, Producers Spice and Company; Performers 12 Don't jam me P. Zephryn, writer; Nicholas Brancker, Producer Speedy; Performer 13 Mr. Bissesar W. McDonald, writer; Kenny Phillips, Producer Drupatee; Performer 14 Old talk R. Blake, writer; Troubadours, Producer Troubadours; Performer

Goins, Chris Myrie, Marlon\\ Ajamu

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