Autograph letter of George Brydges Rodney, R. Admiral at Paris to A. Murphy re his judgement entered in the Court against him by C. Van Teglinghen in 1771 /

Rodney, George Brydges 1719-1792,

Autograph letter of George Brydges Rodney, R. Admiral at Paris to A. Murphy re his judgement entered in the Court against him by C. Van Teglinghen in 1771 / George Brydges Rodney. - 1776 - 2 pages; 19 x 23 cm - handwritten

Letter written by George Brydges Rodney, Lord Admiral to Arthur Murphy, the actor-barrister asking him to get a judgement entered against him in the Court of King's Bench in 1771, properly vouched and authenticated. The judgement was connected with Rodney's financial difficulties, arising from the non-payment of his salary as admiral he was living in Paris at the time.


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