aDraft of Barbara Gloudon's script for "Hail Columbus!"; L.T.M pantomine-musical, 1972/73 with preliminary cuts and editing by Norman Rae. | GENERAL

aDraft of Barbara Gloudon's script for "Hail Columbus!"; L.T.M pantomine-musical, 1972/73 with preliminary cuts and editing by Norman Rae. GENERAL - 118 Pages. 22.5 1/2 x 35.5 1/2cm. Bounded, photocopy.

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Ashman, Verona
Gloudon, Barbara
Hail Columbus
Rae, Norman

National Library of Jamaica
12 East Street,
Kingston, Jamaica, W.I.
(876) 967-1526 / 967-2516 / 967-2494
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National Library of Jamaica