Diagrams of land patterned by George Patison in August 1777, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica
George Pattison
Diagrams of land patterned by George Patison in August 1777, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica , no scale - 1 map : coloured ; 29 x 25 cm - paper handwritten
Level 4 deterioration.
Diagram showing land patented by George Patison and conveyed to Thomas Dunkley, surveyed 18th August 1777.
Thomas Dunkley
George Patison
Estate map--Black River
St. Elizabeth--Jamaica
Diagrams of land patterned by George Patison in August 1777, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica , no scale - 1 map : coloured ; 29 x 25 cm - paper handwritten
Level 4 deterioration.
Diagram showing land patented by George Patison and conveyed to Thomas Dunkley, surveyed 18th August 1777.
Thomas Dunkley
George Patison
Estate map--Black River
St. Elizabeth--Jamaica