The real enemy

The real enemy

1 The real enemy Carlton Hines, writer Mighty Diamonds; Performers 2 Gang war Michael Bennett, writer Mighty Diamonds; Performers 3 Play girl Hopeton Lindo, writer Mighty Diamonds; Performers 4 Babylon is dangerous Janice Dyke, writer Mighty Diamonds; Performers 5 Dem a worry Carlton Hines, writer Mighty Diamonds; Performers 1 Free Africa Hipeton Lindo, writer Mighty Diamonds; Performers 2 Right feeling Lloyd Forrest, writer Mighty Diamonds; Performers 3 I say no Carlton Hines, writer Mighty Diamonds; Performers 4 Mr. Botha Donald Shaw and Fitzroy Simpson, writers Mighty Diamonds; Performers 5 Chant down war Carlton Hines, writers Mighty Diamonds; Performers

Music Mountain and Dynamic Sounds Studios Music Mountain and Dynamic Sounds Studios

Riley, Michael Bunny Tom Tom Fraser, Dean

Robbie Shakespeare Barnett Derrick Sly Dunbar Michael Richards Pinkney Dwight Willie Lindo Waul Franklyn Robbie Lyn Dean Fraser Chico Chin Nambo Robinson David Madden


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