The history of the bucaniers being an impartial relation of all the most eminent assaults committed for several years upon the coasts of the West-Indies by the pirates of Jamaica and Tortuga. Both English, and other Nations. More especially the unparallel'd atchievements of Sir H.M. Made English from the Dutch copy
[Exquemelin, Alexandre Olivier]
The history of the bucaniers being an impartial relation of all the most eminent assaults committed for several years upon the coasts of the West-Indies by the pirates of Jamaica and Tortuga. Both English, and other Nations. More especially the unparallel'd atchievements of Sir H.M. Made English from the Dutch copy - London Printed for Thos. Malthus at the Sun in the Poultrey 1684 - A5, 5l. 192p. front (ports) 15cm
Lacks port. of Sir Henry Morgan one copy
Morgan, Sir Henry, 1635?, 1688
Morgan, Sir Henry, 1635? - 1688
RBC 910.453 Exq
The history of the bucaniers being an impartial relation of all the most eminent assaults committed for several years upon the coasts of the West-Indies by the pirates of Jamaica and Tortuga. Both English, and other Nations. More especially the unparallel'd atchievements of Sir H.M. Made English from the Dutch copy - London Printed for Thos. Malthus at the Sun in the Poultrey 1684 - A5, 5l. 192p. front (ports) 15cm
Lacks port. of Sir Henry Morgan one copy
Morgan, Sir Henry, 1635?, 1688
Morgan, Sir Henry, 1635? - 1688
RBC 910.453 Exq