A wayfarer in the West Indies with nineteen illustrations and an end-paper map.
Aspinall, Algernon Edward Sir 1871-
A wayfarer in the West Indies with nineteen illustrations and an end-paper map. - London : Methuen & Co. Ltd., [1928]. - x p., 1 l., 244 p. : front, 18 illus on 15 pl. ; 19� cm.
"First published in 1928."
917.29 Asp
A wayfarer in the West Indies with nineteen illustrations and an end-paper map. - London : Methuen & Co. Ltd., [1928]. - x p., 1 l., 244 p. : front, 18 illus on 15 pl. ; 19� cm.
"First published in 1928."
917.29 Asp