Mosquito coast : an account of a journey through the jungles of Honduras /
Keenagh, Peter
Mosquito coast : an account of a journey through the jungles of Honduras / PRINT by Peter Keenagh. - London : Chatto and Windus, 1937. - xi, 286 p. 1 1. : front, plates, ports, fold, map ; 21� cm.
Mosquitia, Honduras (District)
Honduras - Description & travel
917.283 Kee
Mosquito coast : an account of a journey through the jungles of Honduras / PRINT by Peter Keenagh. - London : Chatto and Windus, 1937. - xi, 286 p. 1 1. : front, plates, ports, fold, map ; 21� cm.
Mosquitia, Honduras (District)
Honduras - Description & travel
917.283 Kee