Captain William Dampier, buccaneer-author some account of a modest buccaneer and of English travel literature in the early eighteenth century.
Bonner, Willard Hallam
Captain William Dampier, buccaneer-author some account of a modest buccaneer and of English travel literature in the early eighteenth century. - Stanford University, Calif Stanford university press London H. Milford, Oxford University Press [1934] - ix, 234 pages ; 23 cm.
"Certain parts of this book may reveal its origin, a dissertation submitted a few years ago to the Yale English faculty [1931]"-p.vii Bibliography : p.215-223
910.45 Bon
Captain William Dampier, buccaneer-author some account of a modest buccaneer and of English travel literature in the early eighteenth century. - Stanford University, Calif Stanford university press London H. Milford, Oxford University Press [1934] - ix, 234 pages ; 23 cm.
"Certain parts of this book may reveal its origin, a dissertation submitted a few years ago to the Yale English faculty [1931]"-p.vii Bibliography : p.215-223
910.45 Bon