Amerindiens, Africains, Americains

Amerindiens, Africains, Americains trois etudes d'historie Antillaise = Amerindians, Africans, Americans three papers in Caribbean history - Kingston Mona, Kgn.7 Department of History, University of the West Indies 1993 - xiv, 125p. 23 cm

Mar 94 Papers presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the Association of Caribbean Historians, Nassau, The Bahamas in 1992. - Includes bibliographical references Contents: The passing of a nation : the Carib Indians of the Lesser Antilles / Gerad Lafleur. - St. Domingan refugees in the Philadelphia community in the 1970s / Susan Branson. - An archaeological record of plantation life in the Bahamas / Grace Turner

ISBN 976-41-0046-5 (pbk)

West Indies - History
Indians of the West Indies

972.9 / Ja Ame

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