The only genuine and authentic narrative of the proceedings of the late Capt. James Lowrey, both before and after he became Commander of the ship Molly as the same was delivered by himself, in manuscript, into the hands of the Revd. Mr. Taylor, Ordinary of Newgate some short time before his execution.
Lowrey, James Capt.
The only genuine and authentic narrative of the proceedings of the late Capt. James Lowrey, both before and after he became Commander of the ship Molly as the same was delivered by himself, in manuscript, into the hands of the Revd. Mr. Taylor, Ordinary of Newgate some short time before his execution. - London Printed only for Thomas Parker... and C. Corbett ... 1752.
359 / Ja Low
The only genuine and authentic narrative of the proceedings of the late Capt. James Lowrey, both before and after he became Commander of the ship Molly as the same was delivered by himself, in manuscript, into the hands of the Revd. Mr. Taylor, Ordinary of Newgate some short time before his execution. - London Printed only for Thomas Parker... and C. Corbett ... 1752.
359 / Ja Low