Miss Tiny
Gambrill, Linda
Miss Tiny with illustrations by Marlene Lewis-Weinberger - Kingston 175-179 Mountain View Ave, Kgn. 6 Heinemann Caribbean 1990 - [28]p. col. ill, 23 cm - A Beenybud story . - Title .
ISBN 976-605-109-7 (sd)
Children's stories, Jamaican
Pam F / Ja Gam
Miss Tiny with illustrations by Marlene Lewis-Weinberger - Kingston 175-179 Mountain View Ave, Kgn. 6 Heinemann Caribbean 1990 - [28]p. col. ill, 23 cm - A Beenybud story . - Title .
ISBN 976-605-109-7 (sd)
Children's stories, Jamaican
Pam F / Ja Gam